Welcome to Salmonegg.com! This site features the beautiful Pacific Northwest and it's amazing fishing opportunities. Please feel free to explore our resource links.... including tidal charts, marine weather by NOAA, Instant Puget Sound Data, WDFW Fishing news, the latest Fishing Derby Schedule, and Department of Fish and Wildlife links for each state in the U.S. Don't forget to bookmark our page and check in often! Thank you for visiting!
Also known as the 'King' Salmon, the Chinook is the largest breed of salmon in the Pacific and the most desireable amongst avid fisherman. It's average weight is 10 to 50 pounds, with the possibility of reaching 130 pounds. Some of the Chinook's most identifiable features are it's silvery sides with highlights of blue-green, red or purple, black spots on it's tail and a black gum-line that's present in both fresh and salt water fish.
The Chum Salmon's body color changes from silvery blue-green to an olive green with dark colored belly as it moves from salt water to fresh water. Having the largest range of all Pacific salmon, the Chum travel more than 2,000 miles up the Yukon River to spawn. Their average weight is 9 to 22 pounds.
The Coho Salmon, or 'Silver' Salmon, are true to their name....having silvery sides with darker fins and tail in salt water. Averaging 7 to 10 pounds each, mature Coho show a pronounced hook in the nose. Their teeth and jaw also become hooked during the spawning phase.
The Pink Salmon is bright silver while in salt water, only gaining it's distinctive pink sides and 'hump' in it's back during spawning. Their average weight is around 5 pounds. The Pink salmon prefers colder waters, with it's native range being from the Sacremento River in northern California, north to the Mackenzie River in Canada.
Weighing up to 15 pounds, the Sockeye salmon are known best for their bright red color with golden heads and tails. The Sockeye feed primarily on zooplankton during fresh water and saltwater stages, which differs from other breeds of salmon. The U.S. Sockeye population is currently listed under the Endangered Species Act, heavily limiting the number of Sockeye available for fishing.